Monday, November 16, 2015

christian barbies and boys

Winter: Barbie's gonna sit down and pray cuz she's gonna eat.

Addie: UMAN! (amen)

At least we're doing something right =)

Parker and Landon (neighbor boys across the street) were over at the house playing barbies and girl legos this week. I love that little boys don't care about whether or not it's okay to play with girl toys. Parker was fixing the elevator and the roof to the barbie dream house. He did get bored after a while though because I heard this little convo:

Parker: I'm going home
Mya: Why are you going home?
Parker: Umm, I gotta get something
Mya: What are you gonna get?
Parker: Umm, I dunno

and out the door he went. Then Mya opened the door a minute later. She looked across the street and gasped, "Hey! He's playing basketball!" haha the nerve. 

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