Tuesday, August 2, 2016


Have I posted about Mya and her nana before? I'm not sure. Well if I haven't, this is Mya's most favorite thing in the whole wide world. Her blanket. One of my good friends' mom gave it to me when I was pregnant with her. It was SUPER soft and very nice. It came in a Nordstrom box so yeah. A quality blanket. I'm not sure when the attachment started to form but before Mya could speak, when she was tired, she wanted her blanket. And when she would hold it, she would make a sucking noise like she was sucking on something. She still does it =) She started calling it nana when she first started forming words. I didn't really know why until my mom said, I think she's saying night night. Makes sense. So 7 years later, she is still attached to that ratty old thing. It has gone from pink to a greyish beige color. Sometimes she takes it to my moms and forgets it there. It is the hardest few days and nights until we can go over there and get it. One time she and Winter spent the night with my sister and we forgot to pack nana. Winter said she missed mom and dad. Mya said she missed nana. I took this the other day after she had left it at my moms again. We pulled up and Mya squealed, NANA!!!! 


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