Thursday, August 25, 2016


We are still potty training. Instead of being naked now, Addie wears panties at home. She's getting the idea. Yesterday she ran to the potty but forgot to take her panties off so she peed in her panties on the potty... and then I heard, "MOOOOM! I ALL WET!" You'll get it one day sweetie.

Kraft Mac and Cheese. Providing 10 minutes of sanity (okay more like 5) for mommies since 1937. (I looked it up)

Angus has 3 sisters. I'm not sure when he's going to figure out he's not a girl... I'll give him some more time. 

Dan and I went to a Dodger game. You can tell I don't get out much.

5 loads of laundry. A normal Friday night =)

So many things in my crazy mom life make me laugh. These days this is one of them. Angus's tranquilizer swing. No matter what time of day it is, if I put him in this swing, he cannot keep his eyes open. The motion of the swing is so relaxing it's too much for his little eyelids. I sit there and push him and just laugh. 

I know my baby swing won't hold Angus much longer because he's about 30 pounds and what baby weighs 30 pounds? I'm hoping Dan installed it to support a 10 year old. Dan builds everything with extra enforcement and safety. 

Mya turned 7! We had a combined birthday party with Grace who turned 6. Mya was more than pleased to share the attention with someone else. She gets "umbarrassed" when everyone is looking at her. Pool party. Easiest birthday ever. Pool, pizza, popsicles. Done. 

Mom came over yesterday and watched the little ones and I got my hair and my toes done! Sittin' in the carline like

I'm not actually that patriotic. I just lost the other 5 pairs of sunglasses I purchased at Forever 21. I knew I should have bought 10. 

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