Monday, August 29, 2016

Chuck E. Cheese. Friend or Foe?

Mari's daughter Grace turned 6 today. Happy birthday Gracie! And because Mari is a giver, she agreed to take her to Chuck E. Cheese and because I love Mari, I couldn't let her do that alone so I came too.

Imagine you are sitting at Chuck E. Cheese (I know you don't want to but just humor me) and good ol' Chuck comes out and all the kids go nuts like they always do because Chuck makes it rain tickets for crying out loud. But then you hear a kid start screaming no! no! NOOOOOOOO! and her face turns red and displays a look of horror. She's in tears she is so upset. And then you realize that her eyes are fixed on Chuck E. Cheese. She's totally, completely terror-stricken. 

That was Mya today. I had no idea that her fear of humans dressed as animals had reached this new level. Last time she ran away from him but there was no screaming and no crying. It's like he was coming to get her. She tripped over Mari's stroller and dove into the booth behind me. 

I was in tears too, but because I was laughing so hard. I felt horrible but I couldn't stop. It was so completely ridiculous. She knows that there is a person in there but she can't help it. She freaks the freak out. 

But she is SO brave. With tears streaming down her face, she asked, "Is he gonna throw tickets?" I assured her that he would like he always does and bless her little heart, she got up the courage to sprint over there, grab a handful of tickets and sprint back. So brave! Oh Mya.

After Mya calmed down and everyone ate their pizza and cashed in their tickets for vouchers, all the girls went over to buy ridiculously overpriced toys with their vouchers. 

Then it was Winter's turn to melt down. She came back in tears still holding her voucher and said, "I just wanted the cotton candy but that man wouldn't let me get it!" The bigger girls informed me that it was 200 tickets and Winter had 29. So I bought her a popsicle and she was all better. 

The girls were entertained for an hour and a half AND Chuck E. Cheese sells beer because they're smart. It's a win win. 

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