Sunday, August 7, 2016

robin and jewel

My cousin Robin and her daughter Jewel came down to visit us from Oregon recently. She told me she really wanted to make it on to the blog. So I'm dedicating a whole post to her =)

Robin is a very fun, talkative, passionate lady that makes me laugh all day long. Not sure how she has the energy but I love it. Jewel, 13-year-old cuteness, is a super sweet, funny, cool, down to earth, tech savvy teen with a love for kids, which I appreciate. Both of them easily won the hearts of all of my children. And for that, they are amazing. When someone gushes over my kids, they hold a special place in my heart.

When I was growing up, in the summer, Robin would come stay with my Grandma, and my sister and I would sleep over and stay up late and have a month long slumber party. At least a couple years for me, probably longer for my sister. I was the younger little annoying tag along. But I had so much fun hanging with the big girls. I remember lots of swimming, costco tubs of treats, chocolate pudding and Grandma's square dancing outfits that we would try on and dance around in. We would stay up late and watch shows I hated (and now love) like The A Team, Gilligan's Island, The Love Boat, MASH, Murder She Wrote, The Facts of Life and others I can't recall. Yeah... I'm 35. We played Monopoly and Mother May I a lot. We played lots of pool games like marco polo, professional scuba divers, mermaids and performed a record amount of underwater handstands and flips. We pretty much lived outside and only came in to eat usually.

Over the years, we all started growing up and life got in the way and Robin would come out for a week or so here and there. It was always fun to see her. Addie was just born the last time she came out so it was fun for her to see the babies in person (not just on Facebook)

Wendy arranged a giant family get-together like she does, and managed to get everyone to Bakersfield in the hottest time of the year. And oddly enough I don't remember being hot at all. I love hanging out with my family. They are just the best. Some cousins even joined us from Napa. Click HERE to see a little video my uncle Doug made. (and Jewel gets camera girl credit! =))

Then the following Monday my sister talked my mom into watching my four kids (along with my brother's 3-year-old) so we could go to Magic Mountain with Robin and Jewel. I'm so glad she did because I never get to spend kid free time with them and we had the best time. And mom survived the 5 children! Thanks Mom!!

I was a lot braver in my 20's, and I'm not used to walking around outside in the summer heat, and it took about an hour to recover from each roller coaster but it was all totally worth it. There were also a lot of bees darn it. They really need to do something about that. But I survived the crazy rides and bees and extreme heat and live to blog about it. The scariest rides of the day were Tatsu and Lex Luther's death plummet or whatever it's called. Tatsu was fun but I did NOT feel safe. Lex Luther was just ridiculously high. No thanks.

Here are some pics that Robin, Jewel and Wendy took. I did take a pic of my Limerita slushy. I was just too excited about it. A slushy margarita when it's 95 degrees outside and you just nearly died of a heart attack from the death plummet? Yes please. Totally worth the $12. Oh and I felt the need to document the gum tree I saw in line that repulsed me. Animals.

Good stuff. 

Bye Robin and Jewel! 'Till next year!

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