Saturday, August 13, 2016

target with 4

The other day, I took everyone with me to target because I felt ambitious I guess? Okay truth is I needed to print out a picture for Dan that he had been asking me for for months. And of course I waited until the day before his birthday to do it so I had no choice but to bring them all. Oh and we were headed to a birthday party that day so we needed a present... The repercussions of procrastination are multiplied with children. Wow that sounded super smart! I have my moments. 

Whenever I have to take all four kids anywhere I start questioning my judgment. Why did I have so many kids? Did I not think it would be a big deal to add one more to the mix? Obviously I love my babies but seriously, I didn't think this through. I didn't think about how many times I would have to take four little kids with me to Target. Who thinks about that?

So I'm at the Kodak kiosk trying to print out pictures from my phone. It is not going well. The babies start growing fussy and Mya and Winter are on the next aisle looking for a present for the birthday party. I hear them giggling which isn't really ever good. The Kodak app that I had to download in order to print pictures (lame!) is not downloading. 
And finally when I get it to download, I can't load the pics. Ugh, so frustrating. And the target people, no offense, have no idea how to work that thing. 

I was growing more angry and flustered by the minute and finally gave up and actually yelled something like dammit I hate you Kodak! Poor Dan. He didn't get anything for his birthday. Not even a card. It's okay. I think he's used to it. 

Then I moseyed over to where the big girls were to see that they had suckered an old man into helping them reach for some toys on a high shelf. He looked at me and then looked at the floor where there were several unwrapped little packages. They were trading cards and stickers that winter had decorated herself with. Oooooh not cool girls. Mama was not in the mood. I was so mad I couldn't even say anything. I picked up all the empty wrappers, threw them in the cart and walked over to the toy section to pick out a present.

Picking out presents for birthday parties is one of their favorite things to do so I decided that their first punishment would be to watch Mommy pick it out. Then I picked out a card and a bag and tissue paper and proceeded to pay for all my things. I don't think I said a word to the lady at the checkout. But she did tell me that she hoped my day got better. What a sweetie.

1 comment:

  1. I take my three to Target with very specific warnings {ahem, threats} and every time I go "WHY DID I DO THIS?!" My trips consist mostly of the older boys being playful then getting hurt or one of them running into another aisle or you can hear me saying "I'm leaving, goodbye!" as I walk away from whomever is refusing to listen & leave the toys, hoping no one calls child services on me.
