Friday, August 5, 2016

fitness friday - for real

Thirty-two days 'till the Wagenbrenner Newport Beach vacation aaaaahhh! That's half excitement and half panic and half motivation (I know that's 3 halves) to get my booty fit before I have to hang out in a bikini for two weeks.

I know I know poor me. I have to go live at the beach for a couple weeks. I'm getting no sympathy from anyone on this one.

You look great! they say. Oh but they don't know what people look like out there in Newport. 11 months out of the year I have great self esteem. I put on my size 6 Target jeans and strut like the cute mom that I am. But come September I become very aware of my pale cellulite filled thighs, my muffin top and my flabby arms. Ugh, so annoying! Why do all the ladies out there have to look like TV people??! It's ok I have a plan. Operation Newport. It's time to get serious about this fitness Friday business.

For the next 30 days, my plan is to workout 6 days a week which includes running when Dan is home and doing workouts when he's at work. No way I'm running with four kids.

I haven't been working out much these days. I tell myself I'm an active mom of four. I don't have to work out every day. But I guess rolling around on the floor with Angus is not helping my fitness as much as I thought it was. So 6 days a week it is!

Also, no sugar except for my mandatory after dinner dark chocolate snack. Red wine only for the next 30 days as well. No beer or margaritas or any of that sugary stuff I love. 

Lots of water all day. 

Plenty of rest so I have energy to workout!

Breakfasts consisting of eggs, avocados, tomatoes and smoothies.

Lunches consisting of salads.

Dinner consisting of fish or chicken and veggies.

No snacking. If I have to, I can have nuts or an apple and peanut butter.

Walk the dogs for 20 minutes after the kids go to bed. They need exercise too.

That ought to do it! 

It is day one and so far so good. Angus woke up at 5:30 so I decided to take him for a run. I feel fitter already. 

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