Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Dan's last stand

When you have 4 kids, you have to let go of a clean house, a clean car, a clean anything really. Everything is used and abused by little people and it doesn't help that there isn't time to clean it. I've embraced the dirty. I'm not happy with the mess. I hate it. But I've accepted it. Dan isn't quite there. He's come a long way but not the whole way. 

Since we got the minivan before Addie was born, Dan has insisted that it stay nice. He gets really grumpy when it's dirty on the outside or smelly on the inside. He'll kindly remind me that I should head to the carwash. I laugh at him because this is a battle he's not going to win. 

The other day he came home from work and took the kids to school like the helpful husband he is. Before he headed out he yelled, "Hey the van stinks!" I replied, "Thanks?" 

Twenty minutes later I got a text from him, "Going to the carwash."  When he got home, he didn't come inside. I guess he decided the carwash didn't do a good enough job. He still wasn't happy with the smell. So he tore all the carseats out and threw them inside to be washed and went to town on the van like an OCD crazy man. He sprayed the leather with cleaner, vacuumed out every corner and pretty much made it look new again. He spent hours out there. And it was 100 degrees outside. 

Mya came inside after he picked her up from school and said, "Mom, you gotta see the car. It looks like new!" I just rolled my eyes, irritated that I hadn't seen him all day and thought the van was perfectly fine the way it was. He was very pleased with himself and kept telling me what a great job he did, expecting a thank you. I refused. I think I eventually half-heartedly sarcastically said, "Thanks for spending all day cleaning the car out in 100 degree heat while I listened to crying babies all morning. You have issues."

I told my mom what he did and her reply was, "Wow! You are so lucky to have such an amazing husband!" She was serious. Love you mom.

The next day, I was keeping the babies happy with crackers in the pickup car line as I often do. When we got back home and pulled into the driveway, Mya exclaimed, "Mom! Look at that mess. Daddy would NOT be happy. He would say, pick that up right now!" At least he has Mya's support... But seriously, look at that floor. It does look kinda new... Whatever. "Try and keep it clean kids!" He says. Hilarious.

1 comment:

  1. if I take the van over someday when he's home, will he do the same for mine?! :)
