Monday, October 27, 2014

11 months

Addie is SO fun these days. She is just packed with personality. She grunts and barks and yells. She is by far the loudest baby we have had so far. Sometimes it drives me crazy but most of the time it is amusing. Winter's always yelling, "I can't hear! The baby is too loud!" haha. She is loud. She's also starting to play with her sisters a lot. They all had a tea party the other day at breakfast. It made me melt just a little bit thinking about the future tea parties in their 20's and 30's. What lovely times they'll have... anyway, I'm just loving this stage if I haven't already mentioned that. 

And I love that when she's tired she just lays her head down wherever she's at... on the hardwood floor, on the kitchen rug or the table...

And one of my fav pics. She and Twitch are kicking back on a lazy afternoon. She's havin' a nice warm bottle o' milk with her foot up in the air.

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