Friday, October 17, 2014

Underwood Farms

For years now, my sister and I have been going to this pumpkin festival at Underwood Family Farms in Moorpark and always have the best time. We went before I had kids and painted pumpkins, walked the corn maze, rode the tractor ride and more. It's a little different now but still just as fun. They have tons of stuff for kids like pony rides, a cow train, bales of hay to climb, animals to feed and tons of yummy food. We didn't do the maze this year but it really wouldn't have been fun with kids. I think after a few minutes of being lost in the giant corn stocks, they may have panicked. Maybe we will brave it next year. It took others over 30 minutes to get out. Yeah. It's intense. 

Hangin' in the wagon Auntie Wendy rented... 

 On the cow train! Mya's cow was Mary

 Winter's was T-Bone. She was ecstatic.

Winter's horse's name was Candy. Mya's was Tinkerbell. Winter refused to call them ponies. They were just small horses. Whatever floats your boat sweetie. Not sure why Winter loves this more than anything in the whole world. You wait about 30 minutes in line just to go around in a circle slower than molasses on a smelly mini horse.

 Happy to be hangin' in the wagon with the pumpkins and not in the stroller... 

They found the perfect pumpkin. 

Ah, the tractor ride. Selfies are really the only way to document that I was anywhere these days. 

We always bring Mom to things like this. She's fun to hang out with AND she's a super duper big help with the girls.
The tractor ride is always a gamble. But you have to go because it's the only free thing in the whole place. It goes through a row of sunflowers so there are flowers on each side of the tractor and the bees are darting across in front of your face but they weren't bad this year. The first year I went was the worst year for the tractor ride. The bees were busy and my heart has never beat faster. I was so scared. A little boy about 6 years old asked me if I was okay. What a sweetheart. I survived.

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