Thursday, October 2, 2014

party of 6

Before I got married, my dream was to be a stay-at-home mom and have 4 babies just like my mom. Well, the dream didn't look exactly like I thought it would. I don't remember my mom yelling this much and I didn't think I was a lot of work as a child but I was because I was a child. And that is what they are, work. Some fun but mostly work, especially when they are little. 

Well, I could say that my life is a dream come true! Number 4 is on her way! I say her because who am I kidding? We have girls. 

A video of us telling the girls:

I never find a cute way to tell my husband I'm pregnant. It's usually a phone call or a text message with a curse word in there somewhere. This time this is literally what I wrote in my text: "Positivo! Shit! (pardon my french) I'm not ready! I wanna go snowboarding = (" Dan said something like, "Wow, we are so blessed. Supersperm!"

I was just so shocked and bummed that I wouldn't be able to go away for the weekend when Addie turned one. I had it all planned out. We were going to go to Mammoth, sit in a jacuzzi, drink red wine and go snowboarding. None of which I can do now. BUT, after the initial shock of it all, I was truly thankful and kind of excited. 

It has been such a huge blessing to have Mya and Winter so close together (16 mos) They are BFF's and just too adorable. It was hard at first but we say all the time how thankful we are that we had them so close.

Anyway, so I decided that since I never get it together to announce the pregnancy to my husband in a cute way, I would do it on Facebook instead. I came up with the plan to get them all in "Big Sister" shirts and take a picture. It was a great idea in my head. They would all sit together and look at me and I would snap a quick shot and post it. No more than 2 minutes tops right? WRONG. When does anything ever take 2 minutes with kids??? I took over 50 shots. I'm not kidding. It is nearly impossible to get 3 little girls to sit still while displaying all the letters in "Big Sister." Most of them looked like this:

But after some tears, spankings and bribes, I pulled out the big guns and made some really crazy noises and managed to get them all to do what I needed.

Looks so easy doesn't it. I don't recommend it. But I'm pleased with the way it turned out. I'm framing this puppy. I worked hard to get it.

(We are due April 27. This will be our final child, even if it's a girl. Addie and 4th baby will be 17 months apart exactly.)

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