Monday, October 13, 2014

loving 5

I heard some screaming and crying upstairs while doing dishes the other night so I yelled up to Mya to see what was going on. She came to the stairs crying. 

Me: Mya what's up? 
Mya: I hurt Winter and I said I'm sorry and now I'm crying about it.

I asked Mya to take rubbing alcohol to my neighbor friend around the corner. She needed it to get silly putty out of her carpet. (FYI it worked) It's pretty far for Mya's little legs (about two blocks) but she was super excited about the assignment. She put on her shoes and ran out the door to deliver the goods. She returned about 8 minutes later out of breath. 

Me: Did you give it to her?
Mya: No! I forgot it!
Me: Haha! Did you talk to her?
Mya: Yeah I told her, Hi, I forgot the thing, then I came back to get it. 

I laughed.

I don't know why that was so amusing and cute. Probably because it's something I would do.

We were at my mom's and Mya let out a pretty loud and long fart. She laughed and said, Excuse me! Wow! That was like a huge one! I should say excuse me again. Excuse me! 

She's so delightful. I just love her.

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