Saturday, October 18, 2014

winter's list

Winter is just a little stinker. She possesses other nice qualities like being affectionate and hilarious and goofy but right now, she is more of a stinker than anything. Here are some things she did just yesterday:

She emptied her sandy shoes on the floor 2 minutes after I swept. (We have daily conversations about taking them off outside)
She pushed reverse on the fan remote in my bedroom so that all the dust came flying off and into my unmade bed. 
She filled the dogs' drinking bowl with dirt...again.
And lastly, she fell asleep on the couch and peed on it. After she woke up, she ran upstairs and changed into dry clothes. When we found it several hours later, she lied and said it must have been her water that spilled. STINKER!

This pic was taken by her preschool teacher Ms. Tracy who always says that she is great at preschool. I'm not entirely convinced.

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