Saturday, October 31, 2015


Mya has always been my sweet helper. She thinks of others. She shares. She's kind. She's sensitive. She is just a pleasant kid to have around... most of the time. However, nobody's perfect. She likes to change things up sometimes. When she's tired or annoyed, this little 16-year-old version of her comes out. It's kinda like a little preview of the future. 

Yesterday, she was supposed to be getting her shoes on or something and she was messing with her hair instead so I asked, "What are you doing?" To that she replied in her 16-year-old Mya voice, "I'm putting barrettes in my hair. What does it look like I'm doing?" (whoa right?) So I say, "Excuse me, you don't talk to me like that." But she persisted with, "Well you see me doing it. I don't know why you're asking me." Ha! What a little smart ass. I had to hold back my smile while putting her in time-out.

My mom used to flick my mouth when I talked back to her. Yep, I said flick. It worked. I hated it. 

These were taken to promote the treasure swap at church =)

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