Monday, October 12, 2015

weekend in bako

What a weekend! The babies are so exhausted that they're taking an extra afternoon nap while I blog. 

So we all know that Bakersfield doesn't have the best rep. However, two of my favorite pastors come from Bakersfield so that's something. When you drive through on the 5 it's just not impressive. But driving through this weekend it's not so bad. Just looks like a regular city. And it's newish since a lot of it has been built more recently than SoCal. 

My sis Wendy and her family moved there in August because they heard it was a pretty happening place. (Tongue and cheek Wendy!) Her hubby also found a great job there. There's no way I could stay away for too long. So, Dan stayed back to hold down the fort, get the carpets cleaned and go to work. And my mom and I headed north with all the littles. 

Of course there was a brush fire that shut down the freeway but since we said a prayer before we left, AND my moms phone navigation is way better than mine, we were able to go around the whole thing and wave to the poor suckers stuck on the 5. 

We finally reached our destination and wow. Such a nice house! I don't know what I expected but I was really impressed. And my sis, being the insane hostess that she is left us gift baskets on our beds complete with boots for the girls to walk around in all weekend. Too cute and sweet. I got a few pics of the house but most of these were taken by Mark or Wendy. I was too busy with babies. I didn't get pics of the front of the house (beautiful by the way) because Angus was screaming by the time we got there. He calmed down when I took him out of the car. But then Auntie Wendy answered the door and screamed because she was so excited that we were there and he started screaming again haha. Not one for loud noises that one.

Here's the pasture complete with two goats and a neighbor horse. The goats eat all of the weeds. Their names are Coffee and Beans. More pics of them later.

The backyard and pool. Pretty right?

Organic veggie garden!

A charming little sitting area...

And lots more I didn't get pics of. Here are the girls in their PJs and boots the next morning. They couldn't wait to get out there and visit the animals again. Most of the pics are of Winter because she is kind of one with the animals and Wendy couldn't help but snap pics of her with them. She's not afraid one bit. Neither is Addie. Mya is a bit leery. She's like that with most things in life actually. (She has yet to ride the escalator at Target) It takes her a while to trust people and animals =) I feel you Mya. That horse was huge. Totally intimidating.


The girls were in hog heaven with all the animals and space to run and play. Winter just wanted to hold the chickens. Poor things were in a very close space so they really had no chance of escaping her. 

Who smiles when being attacked by a chicken?

Not sure what Mya's doing... She's way too far back to feed the horse.

Winter handed Addie a chicken. Addie's like alright, give her to me. Here she is holding the chicken around the neck... poor guy. Oh and try not to judge Addie's fashion choices. These are her PJ's and her mom has 4 kids and no time to find matching jammies. As a matter of fact, tonight as I type this, she's wearing Angus' clothes to bed. Camo pants and a striped long sleeved shirt. 

My bro Mike and his family came out for the weekend too... Ethan is just a few months older than Addie so they had fun.

Mya's way back there keeping a safe distance from the goat. I think this one is Coffee...

And this one's Beans. Beans has diarrhea so they had to tackle him, lasso him and feed him Kaopectate... Yep. Wendy's a farmer now...

Addie chased the goats around with a bin of hay saying, "Hee go goggy, hee go!" She calls all animals doggy. We all said goat, horsie and chicken over and over but she insists on "goggy" so goggy it is. 

Wendy wanted to make sure we got a pic of the goat snot on her pants. Can't really see it but it's there!

Here they are bathing Beans' behind because it got a little dirty from the diarrhea. 

Two aunts and an uncle joined us Sunday too and we all went out antique shopping. Not exactly my first choice with little children but they did really well and I found a few things. And there was a little 50's diner in the store too so that was fun. More pics of the whole fam are on Facebook.

The farmers

I had to get a pick of Wendy's boots. From Manolo's to Durangos =)

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