Wednesday, October 21, 2015

there's a toddler on me

Every single morning day after day I try to sit on the couch with a cup of coffee and read a little devotional on my phone... ok that's a lie. Facebook and Pinterest are more like it these days. But there is often praise or worship music in the background if that counts for anything.

For some reason, moms are not allowed to be sitting down on the couch by themselves, ever. I've talked to Mari about this. She has the same problem. Addie is always right on top of me. In fact, sometimes she beats me there and sits down and smiles. She sees me walking with my mug and bolts toward "our" spot. In her little head I know she must be thinking mommy is coming over to the couch to hang out with her fav child who brings her more joy than she could have ever imagined. Although that's partly true I just want 5 minutes to myself to wake up. Just 5.

I made the mistake of showing her baby videos on YouTube once so now if I'm holding my phone she's chanting baba baba baba and it's no use saying no. She won't give in. I protest sometimes and whine, No Addie it's my phone and I'm using it but she just chants louder. Baba baba baba! Ugh fine, I say. She wins every time and so it has become our morning ritual. Me, holding my mug on the couch and Addie sitting on my lap as we watch babies laughing historically at things that are only funny to babies like paper ripping.

And here's the kicker, you see that hairy leg behind me? That's dad. He never has a toddler on him stealing his morning couch time.

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