Friday, October 23, 2015

best mother ever

Kids really bring out the ugly in a mom. How are you supposed to raise them to be Christlike when you're always acting like the devil?

Mari gave me this mug. I like to use it because it makes me smile. I find it amusing that it kinda sounds like Best Mother 'F'er. But also, it's a nice thought. Unfortunately on the scale of best to worst, 10 being the best, I'm probably like...a 5? But that scale also includes moms that feed their babies Pepsi in a bottle at the age of 2.

Anyway I'm trying. I always wonder if other moms yell as much, spank as much, forget as much, and get as cranky as this mom. I'm finding that I'm not alone when I talk to my mom friends and that's comforting. But I have a long way to go. Still, I do love this mug.

1 comment:

  1. I love you Amie! and you are not the only mom. I'm sure I yell, spank, and snap just as much as you, if not more.
