Wednesday, October 28, 2015

so cute i could just kick you

I believe firmly that a child's cuteness is equally proportionate to the level of work required to raise that child. I really shouldn't say this but Addie is probably the cutest almost-2-year-old I've had so far. That's horrible to say when you have 3 other adorable perfect children and I'm probably forgetting just how cute the other girls were at this age, and underestimating Angus's future cuteness, but she has A LOT of personality. She also has high highs and low lows. She's by far the most bipolar child of the 4. 

Some of Addie's hobbies include whining incessantly and throwing fits. She also loves grabbing 5 pairs of pants, running to the top of the stairs and throwing them down. If I am sitting down anywhere, there she is right in my lap in a matter of seconds. If I go anywhere without her, including the bathroom, her world has come to an end and I won't hear the end of it for at least 10 minutes. 

I find myself sneaking into the bathroom whenever she's in the other room. Somehow she realizes it and I hear pitter-patter along with a cry of betrayal followed by her little body slamming up against the door. It wouldn't be that big of a deal if she didn't get into everything in there like the toilet brush and Tampax. And I just don't always feel like cleaning up 50 little pieces of toilet paper on the floor. She must always wash her hands and get water and soap everywhere and throws a fit when I turn off the water and say all done. It definitely cuts down on my bathroom visits. I've learned to hold it for quite a while. Probably not good for me.

She also loves to share whatever I'm eating and play with whatever anyone else is playing with. Winter still has a hard time with that. I'm sure all of this is normal for an almost 2-year-old. In fact, I received an email from today with a link to an article entitled: "11 toddler behavior problems and how to handle them." Eleven! I've just never had a toddler like this. Mya was angelic and Winter, although sneaky and naughty, never threw fits. She had a different make-mommy-crazy style like drawing on walls with sharpies and assaulting other children for no reason. But she was quiet, which I appreciated.

I've actually yelled at Addie to stop whining. Like yelled. Of course that just scares her and makes her cry louder. Sometimes I just lose it. It happens when you don't get enough sleep and your 6 year old gives you attitude that you'd expect from a 16 year old and your 4 year old messes with your 1 year old 24/7 and the baby is crying because he has to eat AGAIN. Addie's whining just puts me over the top.

That being said, she is way cute. She dances to anything. Sometimes there's nothing playing and she dances to the music in her head. The baby talk is always fun and she's such a little love. She says cheese when you point the camera at her, she waves to everyone, smiles at strangers and constantly kisses her baby brother who she calls buddy (baby talk for brother). It's hard not to melt when she grabs my face and kisses me. When things are going her way she is the happiest little thing. She loves to mimic whatever I'm doing. It's fun having a little copycat. She talks a lot, yells a lot, laughs a lot and cries a lot. She's so teenie and yet so bossy especially with the dogs who are more than double her weight. She just yells at them and pushes them out of the way. She may get that from someone =) (They are always in the way)

She's not even two yet. I'm a little nervous about two. It will be pretty fun to hear what comes out of her mouth though. I know she will continue to make me laugh daily. I think if Addie were my only child, I would be like, how in the world does anyone have 4 of these???

This is our neighbor Rylie. I love it when Rylie knocks on our door and rescues me from the dreaded hour before dinner. I breathe a sigh of relief and Addie shrieks in excitement and runs to her. She calls any girl around Rylie's age Riiiieeee

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