Wednesday, August 28, 2013

a touchy subject

This is something that I have avoided writing about for a while now. I usually try to keep my blog light and friendly. But I kept getting this nagging feeling that I should write it. (Also known as the Holy Spirit :-)) This is an important subject that I feel I should explain from a Christian's point of view. 

A few years ago, I was all for gay rights. I claimed to be a Christian with an open mind. I agreed with all of the arguments for gay marriage and statements like, "God made them that way so how could it be wrong?" And "We are supposed to love everyone and be accepting of all different types of people." And the one I hear the most, "All of those laws in the old testament are old and don't apply anymore to this day and age." I get it. They are good arguments. They make sense.

It was something that I really didn't want to look up for myself. One of my best friends is gay. He's probably one of my top 10 favorite people in the world. He loves the Lord and is so much fun. He is truly and amazing person. I love him like a brother. I also spent most of my 20s frequenting gay clubs because my friends and I loved the freedom of dancing where no one was hitting on us or making sleazy comments or undressing us with their eyes. Plus most of us had boyfriends who didn't like to go out and dance so it worked out great for everyone. We could wear flats and jeans and just have a good time. I totally see why most women are drawn to gay guys. They are fun, they have style and they are well groomed. They are like us!

A few years ago, I felt like I really needed to read the bible for myself. I had tons of questions about several subjects including homosexuality and wanted to find out for myself what God actually had to say about them. To be a Christian means that you believe that Christ is the Son of God who came and died and rose again so that anyone who believes in Him may have eternal life. To be a Christian also means that you believe that the bible is God's word. Pages written by man, inspired by God, every single word. There were several passages in the bible that were hard to swallow. They meant making changes in my life and changes in the way I felt about certain things. One of the subjects that was pretty black and white was homosexuality.

Reading through, I found several texts that repeatedly pointed out that the act of homosexuality is wrong, plain and simple. There were several places where this is talked about and there was never a question as to what the texts meant. It is super clear. Here are the texts that make it pretty clear that God does not approve of homosexuality.

Gen 19:1-11
Leviticus 18:22
Leviticus 20:13
Judges 19:16-24
1 Kings 14:24
1 Kings 15:12
2 Kings 23:7
Romans 1:18-32
1 Corinthians 6:9-11
1 Timothy 1:8-10
Jude 7

Yes, I included Leviticus because it is one of the passages that mention homosexuality. It also mentions other ceremonial laws that were fulfilled when Jesus came so they don't apply today. You can skip the Leviticus verses if it makes you feel better.

That being said, I still don't understand why people seem to be born a certain way and then are told that they can't be that way. It would be like telling me I need to be attracted to and marry a woman. It would be against every grain in my body. I really feel that most gay men and women feel the same way about the opposite sex. However, I can't take part of the bible and believe in it and disregard the parts I don't understand. I have to trust that God has his reasons for this and I need to have faith that He knows exactly what He is doing. He is God after all. He created each and every one of us. 

So, yes, I believe that homosexuality is a sin. And of course we are not supposed to judge anyone else for their sins. Love the sinner, hate the sin. That is what we are instructed to do in the bible. That is how Jesus lived. He loved everyone and was not afraid to hang out with prostitutes, cheaters, liars and outcasts. He did, however, answer questions honestly when asked. I am not about to tell gay people to stop being gay. I have no right to tell them how they should live. That is between them and God. I do feel that if I am asked, I will state my beliefs and reasons for them.

This is a tricky sin because most of the world would not agree that it is a sin. If you asked most people about the other sins mentioned in the bible, they would agree that they are probably not a good idea. Religious or not, most feel that we shouldn't lie, steal, kill, commit adultery, or be jealous of others etc. Those are obvious. 

I think that homosexuality is such a huge issue right now because it is not seen as a sin. The devil has used this issue as a way to turn non-Christians off of Christianity because we are seen as "gay-haters." He has made the issue about acceptance and discrimination. It is really unfortunate that it has come to this. It makes me sad that Christians are seen this way. It doesn't help that some so-called Christians get mean and violent toward gay people. But that doesn't mean that we should not take a stand and pick a side when asked what we believe because we are afraid of offending someone or being part of the mean crowd. We either believe in our bible or we don't. It is all or nothing.

There are Christians who do not agree with what I've said and that's totally fine. Every Christian should read the bible for themselves and come to their own conclusions.

There. I've shared my thoughts on the subject. I promise to keep things light and fun from now on.

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