Tuesday, August 20, 2013

mom days

Ah, naptime. It is a beautiful thing. I feel it slipping away from me but I refuse to give it up yet. Mya still takes a nap easily. She goes to sleep pretty quickly and rarely puts up a fight. But Winter is a bit more difficult. Everything is a bit more difficult with that one. We are changing her over to her big girl bed soon here but she is still in her crib and has to get out several times to go potty. It takes her about 2 hours to fall asleep once I've put her in there. Today, she was calling me from her crib and kept getting louder and louder until I finally went in to quiet her so she wouldn't wake up Mya. She said, "Mommy, I wake up." I told her she never went to sleep. And she said, "Yes I did, I did this." Then closed her eyes really tight and opened them again. She was totally serious. I had to laugh.  I love seeing her two-year-old little mind work. It made sense to her! :-)

Losing it

I invited one of my single childless friends over to hang out at the pool with my girls and me. She likes kids and actually enjoys mine. She arrived at the house and was still in her car when my girls ran out to greet her. Winter asked her, "Where's your baby?" No idea where that question came from. She's never had a baby with her. I guess Winter assumes that every lady should have a baby or two in tow. :-)

Anyway, so I was gathering everything in my pool bag like snacks, towels, sunscreen, pool toys etc. The girls were super excited because they love the pool and there was a guest in the house so they were bouncing around, laughing, squealing and talking. I was trying to focus my pregnancy brain to remember everything when Mya asked about something in the kitchen. She found a plastic stick I used to stir lemonade earlier. I could hear her asking, "Mommy, what is this? Mommy, what is this? Mommy. Mommy. Mommy. Mommy what is this?! But I was focused on something else, semi-tuning her out. But she persisted until I yelled sharply, "IT'S A STIRRING STICK!!" Then I continued putting stuff in the bag. My friend was amused by my turret's-like outburst and commented with a smile, "Wow Amie, you're losing it. And you're having another one?" Thanks friend. Yes, I am losing it. She's got no idea what these little ones are capable of. That was nothing.

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