Monday, August 12, 2013

easy microwave cleaning

I haven't cleaned my microwave in months... probably like six. I'm not proud. I keep forgetting. Once it is closed, I don't see the mess and it disappears from my brain until the next time I use it. It was covered in dried pasta sauce, refried beans, and all other foods that have a tendency to splatter when heated. If you read my "3 things" blog you may have noticed that one of my things to do today was clean the microwave. I read on pinterest that you can use several different things to steam clean it so that you can just wipe away the mess without scrubbing. Lemon and distilled vinegar were at the top of the list. I have neither on hand. So I just heated up a bowl of water for 5 minutes in the microwave. (You could probably do 10 to really make it easy to clean) It sat for a few minutes then I took a sponge and cleaned it out. I have to say that it was really easy. I only had to do a tiny bit of scrubbing. I mostly just used the soft side of the sponge and just wiped it clean. I will try adding lemon when I have it next time and see if that works even better. It may improve the smell too! I forgot to take a before pic but here it is afterward. It was really bad before. Probably another reason I avoided it for so long =)

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