Tuesday, August 13, 2013

official mom

This may sound like an advertisement for the Honda Odyssey. It may as well be.

I was one of those people who always said, "Ugh, I will never get a minivan." My husband worked on me for years until I finally caved and looked into it. After all, I am a mom. I'm not going to pretend I'm above looking like a mom next to the other sweet less mom-like rides out there. So we did it. We bought the 2013 Honda Odyssey and I have to say I'm loving it. I've never heard one complaint from someone who bought a minivan. Everyone I've talked to absolutely loves theirs. Plus, we are having baby #3 and we have outgrown my Corolla. We are selling it to my mom so at least I still get to see her. 

It makes me so sad to give her up. I LOVE that car. I will miss her. There is actually an emotional attachment there. It's pretty bitter sweet. I feel like I grew up in that car. I bought it before I had kids and drove a tad recklessly. It was my first brand spanking new car. We've been through a lot together. I cried the first, second & third time I got in a fender-bender. She was so fun to drive that I got my first speeding ticket for going 94 in a 70 mph zone and another for running a red light. Today I had a ceremonial good-bye drive down the freeway. I told her how much I appreciated her and rolled down the windows and cranked up the tunes. I sang loud, danced in my seat and drove like I did when I first got her. It felt so good. I almost teared up a little.


The minivan is so convenient though. I couldn't resist the sliding doors with a push of a button, built in DVD players, back-up camera, back seats that fold down using one hand with a baby on the hip and loads of extra space to fit car seats and a few friends and all of their drinks. You can remove the middle seats easily too. It seats 8 and gets 27 mpg highway. Common. They even thought of putting a cooler box and a hand held vacuum in the Odyssey! I'm also loving new additions like built in retractable shades for the windows, a USB port for my iphone that plays music AND charges my phone, and volume, channel and cruise control buttons on the steering wheel. All that is missing is a system to deliver snacks to the kids in the back row while driving. My friend Nancy wants a limo window she can roll up so she can still see her kids but can't hear them. Brilliant. One day =)... I realize that many of these features do come on other cars that aren't minivans. But they don't have sliding doors. That's my favorite feature.

Everything about this car is easy. I just had to voice my new appreciation for mommy mobiles. I am a new member of the club and proud of it! I researched all of the different options out there. We've been a Toyota family up until now. The Odyssey just offered more for less money and Hondas go forever just like Toyotas. I did like driving the Sienna but the Odyssey was just a little bit better and offered a little bit more. So here's my new mode of transportation! =) Need a ride? I can pick you up. I've got extra room now!


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