Thursday, August 22, 2013

still got it

Today was one of my first free mornings in a long time. Both of my girls are in preschool twice a week for 4 hours a day. It's just enough time to recharge my battery so I can function for the rest of the week. There are so many things I can think of to do in those few hours. I've been trying to walk every day that I can so I don't get too huge this pregnancy. And it's really good to walk when you're pregnant I've heard.

So I grabbed one of my dogs (two is too much work these days) and headed up the canyon. I took my dog Twitch this time. He's 9 and could use the exercise. I used to run with him before I had babies. We were both young and fit in those days. We would run 3 miles without breaking a sweat. The last time I ran with Twitch about a year ago I had to coach him and pull him. He's not a fan anymore. And my pregnant body is so not running these days. I feel like I'm at the end of my pregnancy and I still have 3 months to go. Ugh.

So, a walk is the perfect exercise for us right now. As we were walking back down the canyon. I heard a honk behind me, followed by a smile and a wave. I gave the guy a confused look because it just didn't make sense that any guy would find my pregnant waddle attractive. But that's the impression I got. He did see me from behind so maybe he didn't notice the baby I was carrying. And I was wearing sort of slimming black stretchy cut offs that hid a few of the 20 pounds I've gained in the last few months, mostly in my butt and thighs. Maybe he liked my pigtails. And maybe he was just one of those guys that are into preggy ladies.

I used to roll my eyes at the honks I would get while jogging. It didn't make sense to me. Why would anyone honk and yell or wave? What did they really expect? Did they think I would run over to them and jump in? As the honks lessened as I ran with a baby stroller, then a double stroller, the less annoyed I became when I would hear them. And now, it's kind of nice to know that I'm not totally repulsive.

So today, after I realized that the honk was for me and this middle aged guy in his work truck liked what he saw, I said to my dog with a smile, "Yeah Twitchy, we still got it!"

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