Sunday, August 25, 2013

big black booger

This happened a while ago but I felt it blog worthy. Plus I want to document these things in case I forget them.

I was brushing Winter's teeth one night before bed when I noticed what appeared to be a black booger in her nose. I tried to squeeze it out and suck it out with the booger sucker (best invention ever!) but it didn't work. This was a big stubborn booger. I thought about it for a minute. It wasn't very booger-like. Then I asked Winter, "Did you put something in your nose?" Winter  smiled and said, "haha yeah." So I ran and got the tweezers and pulled that sucker out. It was a raisin that had pretty much turned into a grape from the moisture in her nose. So gross! At first I couldn't figure out where she got it. We were out of raisins but then I remembered that I gave her a cookie around lunch time that had raisins in it. It had been sitting in there for nearly 6 hours and she didn't even tell me. She even took a 3 hour nap with it in there. What a little weirdo.

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