Monday, August 12, 2013

laundry tips

Of course I got this tip from another mom. I don't remember who but it makes so much sense in my house.

Instead of putting dirty clothes in individual hampers, I just skip that step and throw them straight into the washer. I stopped sorting colors a long time ago unless there is something super white that I need to stay white... can't think of anything right now. (I pretty much stopped wearing white after baby #1) But if I have super whites or delicates I care about, I can put them in their own hamper. Everything else can go from my body straight into the washer. I wait until it is full, then start the load. I use shout color catchers to keep colors from running too. They aren't expensive. Probably a couple bucks for 20. There are clothes all over my house from dirty socks downstairs to dirty jammies in the girls room. I just collect them when I see them and throw them in the washer. If I'm downstairs, I throw them on the stairs then collect them when I go upstairs. The washer is upstairs. Every house is different but you get the gist.

And to save myself from hours of folding, I just lay the clothes flat in my girls' drawers. I fold mine and my husband's but I find that those little shirts and pants don't need to be folded. The girls dress themselves so even if I bothered to fold them, they would be unfolded in a day from all the little hands rummaging through drawers.

I need to save time and energy where I can!

Another thing that has helped with the laundry process is my clothes line right above my washer and dryer. I had my husband hang it for me. I'm sure anyone could do it with a couple of hooks and strong string. It has helped tremendously. When I don't want to dry something, I just hang it up above my head. I don't have to take a step away from the washer. So convenient. I highly recommend it.

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