Tuesday, August 20, 2013

running on empty...for real

This morning, I picked up my girls from their first day of preschool. I'm driving along listening to what they had for snack and who they played with when I noticed that my gas light was on and my little gage was below the E line. Hmmm, interesting. I thought, alright, I should probably get gas.

I'm not used to my new car yet. The little light is so teeny. My old gas light was huge and noticeable. Plus, I am suffering from the worse case of pregnancy brain I've ever had. I also overdrew my checking account but that's beside the point. Some have claimed that it is a myth. It's real people! It is a proven fact. There is a massive fog that comes over each and every poor pregnant soul out there. Oh well, I will keep a closer eye on the gas gage in the future... 

Anyway, so I'm running on empty. Then I remembered that my new minivan tells me how many miles I can go before I run out of gas completely. So I pushed the button to switch over to the right screen. And there it was, ZERO! I have zero miles left before I need to get gas. HOLY CRAP! I've never run out of gas before but it sounds like a major inconvenience. Yes, I know it's really bad on the car too. And it's even more of a pain in the butt calling AAA and waiting until a truck can bring me some gas with two cranky little ones ready for their nap. I had at least half a mile to the gas station. Panicking, I prayed and prayed all the way to the pump. I made it! Sooooo relieved. It entered my mind that maybe the gage was off. Maybe I actually had a few more miles to go before my new van sputtered and stopped in the middle of the street. But when I filled it up, turns out my 20 gallon tank was pretty much empty. I put 19.959 gallons in it :-)

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