Wednesday, August 7, 2013

grandma's house

Every couple of weeks, the girls and I visit my 89 year old grandmother. The girls call her Grandma Snow. She lives with my mom and aunt. They kind of all take care of each other in a way. It is kind of a crazy house to visit. I'm used to it and always leave with a smile because there are so many funny amusing things about our visits.

I grew up in that house. I was always there after school and on summer vacations. My grandparents helped take care of my siblings and me. They helped to take care of everyone really. Now, things are a bit different. Everyone kind of helps to take care of Grandma. That is the way it should be after all.

I took over her finances a few years ago when she started losing track of things and couldn't really keep up anymore. My mom moved in recently and will probably take them over once I have the next baby. But my grandma likes for me to come over and do her bills. It keeps me coming back so she can see the girls, her great-grand daughters. They do liven the place up. My mom watches them so I can go through grandma's mail, balance her checkbook, pay bills and file. I also do my aunt's finances because she needs help with that kind of thing. My grandma has always done it for her.

It's so chaotic once we get there. The girls are running around screaming, grabbing things they shouldn't touch like prescription pills and grandma's teeth. (Winter likes to bring them to her so she can eat a snack with her) If grandma is awake, the TV is blaring because she is deaf. She's always yelling at my aunt to bring her something because she can barely walk with her walker. My aunt has to yell back so she can hear her. My mom is going crazy from it all. She is used to her peaceful apartment where nobody yelled and it was quiet all the time. She does have a pool so that's good. The girls get to swim during the summer time.

Last time I was in the middle of balancing two checkbooks and I could hear grandma say that it was time for her show in a few minutes, "The Young and the Restless." She turned on the TV and "Jerry Springer" was on. I was in the kitchen so I couldn't see her or the TV. I'm not sure why but she left Jerry on for what seemed like 20 minutes but I think it was probably about 5. There I am trying to add numbers with "Jerry! Jerry! Jerry!" in the back ground CRANKED UP. The TV speakers were distorted it was so loud. I am NOT a fan of Jerry. Never have been. It makes me cringe to watch some baby mama fightin' some other baby mama because they got the same baby daddy who doesn't have a job and for some reason they both want him. Ugh. I tried to just ignore it and keep going. Then she changed the channel or tried to but she must have hit the wrong button because all I heard was static... BLARING static. It was just about as pleasant as fingernails on a chalkboard. I was semi-releaved because I didn't have to hear Jerry anymore but this wasn't good either. She has about 8 remotes so I wasn't about to attempt to help. After about 5 minutes of static, she yelled for my aunt to come and help her. They were yelling at each other because they couldn't hear anything with the blaring static in the back ground and grandma can't hear anyway. At that point, I was wishing I was deaf. They finally gave up and turned the TV off. Wow. I finished up and went outside to swim with the girls.

It is quite amusing when you can see the humor in it but if I lived there I'm sure I would feel differently. My poor mom :-)

Here's Winter in her favorite spot with grandma in her recliner.

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