Thursday, August 15, 2013

thankful for the mess

Whenever I am having a long day and I start acting like my 2 year old, pouting, slamming cupboards, stomping up and down the stairs and just being a spoiled child, the Holy Spirit gently reminds me that I have no right to complain. I have so much to be thankful for, it's ridiculous. So again, my long day with my sweet little monsters and endless housework has brought me to my blog. This time, a prayer of thanksgiving...

Father in Heaven,

I thank you for this messy house. Underneath the toys, dog hair and dirty laundry are beautiful hardwood floors downstairs and brand new carpet upstairs. Thank you for the piles of clean laundry I have yet to fold. I was able to wash them in my own washer and dryer, a luxury many do not have. Thank you for the dishes I need to put away. They were cleaned in my dishwasher and I did not have to wash them by hand. Thank you for the ear piercing screams and endless questions that drive me batty. It means that my children are healthy, happy and learning more and more every day. Thank you for my big silly dogs that sometimes keep me up at night when they snore or bark at nothing in the middle of the night. They make me feel protected and keep me company when my husband is not home. Thank you for those long shifts that my husband works when I don't see him for days. He has a great job that supports us well. Thank you for the extra fat on my thighs I can't ever seem to get rid of. It means that I always have plenty to eat. Thank you for my increasingly uncomfortable pregnant body. My baby is growing healthy and strong. 

Thank you for everything I complain about. It is all a blessing in disguise. Keep reminding me of this when I so easily forget.

In Jesus' name I pray,


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